International Fraud

Our international network of experienced accountancy expert witnesses has considerable experience of giving evidence in a wide range of disputes including:
- Bribery
- Embezzlement
- International “Bolier Room” frauds
- Money Laundering
- Theft
- Trans-national accounting malpractice and
- International insurance claims
Large and complex international fraud cases
A combination of sophisticated financial modelling tools and painstaking detailed due diligence across several jurisdictions puts our team in pole position to assist with even large and complex international fraud cases.
In addition to providing evidence in criminal prosecutions, our team also accepts instructions to advise on or give evidence in Private Prosecutions and Cross-border Regulatory Disputes.
We can assist at all stages of a case from an initial independent and robust assessment of the case, through to the analysis of large volumes of data to the preparation of clear and concise reports.
Meet our global team of Forensic Accountancy experts
Our Global Forensic Accountancy Experts have specialist expertise in the various areas of accountancy and detailed knowledge and understanding of the legal process. They can help preserve family wealth across generations - wherever in the world you need it.
For more information and to be connected to the relevant specialist, please contact Nicki Lynn at [email protected].
Click on profile image to read more about their professional experience.