Newly launched Workcation Initiative inspires members to create new connections and opportunities
In an exciting development for MGI Worldwide, our newly launched Workcation Initiative is inspiring members to make the most of our global network and foster connections with fellow member firms during their travels.

Last August, we were delighted to see Partner Tracey Wickens of MGI Midgely Snelling LLP, take advantage of this opportunity. She made a stop in Cape Town on her way to the 2023 Africa Region Meeting in Mauritius, to connect with our colleagues at MGI Bass Gordon.
During her visit, Tracey dedicated a few productive days to working from the MGI Bass Gordon offices, providing her with a chance to meet with numerous partners and staff members and get a much greater understanding of the services that the firm offered. It was a great opportunity for future collaboration as the services provided were aligned to the work that MGI Midgley Snelling already provide their clients.
Following her enjoyable stay in Cape Town, Tracey continued her journey to the MGI Africa Region Meeting in Port Louis, Mauritius, where she was joined by her colleagues from MGI Bass Gordon, including partners Johann Diener and Alan Schermbrucker. Tracey explains:

“When travelling to Cape Town recently, I arranged my visit to spend a couple of days working out of the offices at MGI Bass Gordon. I was able to continue with the day job for those couple of days, including a video meeting with one of my UK based clients. It also presented a great opportunity to meet the other partners and some of the managers there and swap notes about how things are done at our relevant firms. The view from the new offices was quite spectacular and I was made really welcome for my brief working visit. I would welcome anyone from MGI Worldwide to come to MGI Midgley Snelling LLP for a workcation visit (we are based on the edge of London) but can’t promise the same views from the office that I had at MGI Bass Gordon."
Tracey Wickens, MGI Midgley Snelling LLP
Susan van der Valk, Partner at MGI Bass Gordon talks about host firm benefits:

“We were very interested to hear about the MGI Workcation Initiative that launched earlier this year and were happy to sign up as a hosting office - we weren’t sure how long it would take other MGI members to make it this far south, but it wasn’t long before we welcomed our first visitor – Tracey from MGI Midgley Snelling. Many of our team members immediately recognised Tracey from MGI Worldwide virtual events but the opportunity to meet in person definitely brought about a stronger feeling of connection. Having Tracey visit our offices allowed us to share practices that we use and also gave us an opportunity to discuss future potential collaborations. It was a pleasure hosting Tracey and we look forward to seeing the MGI Worldwide network connect and collaborate further with the help of exciting initiatives such as this one.”
Sue van der Valk, MGI Bass Gordon
Intrigued by the idea of workcation? Learn more about the MGI Worldwide Workcation Initiative HERE or contact Operations Manager, Nicki Lynn [email protected].
MGI Worldwide, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 9,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in over 100 countries around the world.