Women Who Lead - Africa holds first gathering at MGI Africa Region Meeting in Nairobi
Female MGI Worldwide accounting leaders took full advantage of the Africa Region meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, to hold their first Women Who Lead gathering.
MGI Worldwide Women Who Lead core group member Patricia Stock, partner at South African member firm AfricaRAS, initiated a get together of the female delegates on the eve of the Africa Regional Meeting.
A group of about 8 ladies gathered for dinner (& some wine of course…) to talk about being a professional accountant in these current times, including work life balance and stresses faced managing a balance.
Intentional or accidental growth?
Patricia prepared an exercise on “The difference between intentional and accidental growth”. It was noted that intentional growth is very important.
Download here "The difference between intentional and accidental growth” exercise.
All who attended had fun that evening and were inspired by the sharing and thought provoking ideas.

About 'Women who Lead'
While women are well-represented across the accounting sector, there is still a gap at the leadership end. By celebrating the successes and talent of our female leaders, we hope to inspire positive change throughout our network and in the profession. We will ‘lead by example’ and explore opportunities to encourage and support the next generation of women and the future leaders of accounting.
Now it’s more important than ever to encourage and support new talent from the next generation of future accounting leaders. Our intention is to communicate how accessible the accounting industry is and the wealth of opportunities it presents for women.
If you have news to share, we would love to hear it.
Lead - Inspire - Succeed
Please contact Maxine Brock, International Marketing Director, for further details at [email protected].
MGI Worldwide with CPAAI, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 9,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in over 100 countries around the world.