Veasna Chann from member firm APV (Cambodia) Co., Ltd, discusses how MGI Worldwide has contributed to the growth of the firm

Veasna Chann from member firm APV (Cambodia) Co., Ltd discusses the firm's growth

Speaking at the 2018 MGI Asia Regional Meeting, Veasna Chann from APV (Cambodia) Co., Ltd, outlines the key aspects that have helped the firm to grow since joining MGI Worldwide.

Discussing some of the changes the firm has experienced since joining the global accounting network, Veasna highlights how increases have been seen on the level of staff, clients, and business opportunities across the region.

Veasna goes on to explain how valuable the support is that the firm receives from the network. He focuses specifically on marketing, on-going advice, and MGI Worldwide's consistent availability to assist.

Veasna explains how it has become crucial to show prospective clients that they are part of this affiliation. APV (Cambodia) Co., Ltd proposals now always include detailed information about MGI Worldwide, and show how doing business with a network member can be of great benefit to clients and their business.

For more information on APV (Cambodia) Co., Ltd, see the firm's online profile here.

Watch the testimonial video here:

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