Supporting leadership development in member firms: Insights from CRS Consulting’s HR Mentor

MGI’s CRS Consulting, based in Gujarat, India, recently engaged over 20 team members in the "Developing the Leader Within" workshop, hosted by MGI Worldwide’s Tomorrow's Leaders Group. Led by Marie Paterson, the session offered practical strategies for emerging talents across the MGI global community, focusing on overcoming work challenges and fostering professional growth.
Rajendra Khode, HR Mentor at CRS Consulting, shares his views on the value of attending and maintaining the learnings among team members.
Fostering a Leadership Culture
Benefits for Staff: “The practices emphasised in the workshop lay the foundation not only for building responsible professionals but also responsible citizens of our society,” says Rajendra. “It is well said that the more organised, disciplined, and systematic you are at work, the more you will be in your personal life.” CRS Consulting team members have been very receptive to the discussions and presentations.
Positive Feedback: After the workshop, CRS Consulting circulated a paper among team members to keep the learning alive. Feedback has been positive, reassuring staff that the firm is dedicated to their development.
Aligning with HR Goals: The workshop aligns well with CRS Consulting’s HR goals of continuous professional development and fostering a culture of self-motivation and growth. Since the workshop, the firm has initiated several practices such as daily work note writing, especially for new joiners, employee appreciation, counselling to support performance enhancement, upskilling in English communication and MS Office training, and ongoing professional development and training sessions.

Commitment to Development
CRS Consulting has been an active firm for over 70 years. Pujya Dadaji, and founder Late Chandrakant Sharedalal, had a personal connection with each member of the firm. This rich legacy continues under the current leadership.
The session came at a very appropriate time, reassuring our team that we are committed to their growth. Learning is a lifelong journey.
Encouraging Engagement
By participating in the Tomorrow's Leaders Group workshops, firms can enhance HR strategies and support their staff's professional growth while providing opportunities to build confidence and connections internationally.
MGI Worldwide's Tomorrow's Leaders Group is aimed at up-and-coming employees in member firms with less than 10 years’ post-qualification experience, helping them develop their leadership potential. HR professionals are encouraged to promote these opportunities and involve staff in upcoming workshops.
Download the full Member Spotlight HERE

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For more information on workshops and how to get involved, please contact Maxine Brock at [email protected] or visit the MGI Worldwide Member Portal Groups section.
MGI Worldwide, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with over 8,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in almost 100 countries around the world.