Saniya Dinodia of Dinodia Consulting, in India, shares her ‘Words of Wisdom’ about the power of believing in yourself
In our latest Words of Wisdom testimonial, Saniya Dinodia, Business Head at member firm Dinodia Consulting, based in India, shares her inspiring thoughts about achieving goals and how important it is to put your 100% into everything you do.

Hi, I’m Saniya
My journey began as a young girl, watching my grand-father talk passionately about his hopes and dreams for our firm.
I pursued my under graduation in finance and accounting as I always had an aptitude for numbers. I was able to further nuance my skills during my time in London pursuing a masters in Corporate Finance. This experience gave me a flavour of global corporate finance and a chance to network with finance professionals from across the globe.
Joining the third generation of our family business, came with a host of responsibility and a whole lot of expectations. Keeping pace with the constantly changing global financial world and its fast-paced climate pushed me to keep thinking outside the box.
I learnt the practical application of concepts I had only read about in books. Working under the leadership of my older sister who over the last 20 years has created a name for herself in the world of global taxation, kept me inspired to keep working even harder.
Being groomed under the family leadership helped me sharpen my skills and learn new financial concepts each day. I started right from scratch, learning the work of an intern and slowly making my way up. This helped me to polish every basic concept as well as highlight inefficiencies in our processes.
The cut-throat competition of our field and the COVID-19 pandemic forced us to upgrade our technology and move towards a paperless way of doing business at par with any top global consultancy firm.
My most valuable piece of advice for you…
To all the young women out there trying to pursue their dreams in the financial world my advice would be to believe in the power of your dreams, believe in yourself. If you put your mind to something there is nothing you cannot achieve.
The best advice I received…
A piece of advice which is etched in my mind and reflects in my work ethic today was given to me at the beginning of my career by my father. He drilled in me the importance of hard work and determination. He always emphasised how important it was to put your 100% into everything you do, no job was too big or too small.

And, what NOT to do!
To sum up the only thing I would urge young women not to do would be to never give in to self-doubt. As women we are often very hard and critical of ourselves. We have the ability to shatter every glass ceiling and transform the otherwise male dominated corporate world. Happy Women’s Day to you all!
Click to open/download Saniya Dinodia's Words of Wisdom testimonial (PDF).

By celebrating the successes and talent of our female leaders, we hope to inspire positive change throughout the MGI Worldwide network and in the accounting profession. Did you find these Words of Wisdom useful? Please tell us!
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MGI Worldwide with CPAAI, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 9,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in over 100 countries around the world.