Region Focus - Meet MGI in Latin America!

Welcome to the first of our region spotlights giving you the chance to learn more about your fellow members across all corners of the globe. This month we bring to you MGI in Latin America, a culturally rich and diverse region with lots to offer.
Strong regional presence
MGI Worldwide has a prominent presence in Latin America, ranking 16th in the IABs regional network rankings. The region is represented by 43 firms distributed across 16 countries - corresponding to 12% of the total number of MGI Worldwide firms globally.
5 geographical subregions in Latin America
Andrea Pallas, Regional Director for Latin America tells us more.
"We are a continent, a region, but with very diverse countries, economies, and firms. For this reason, our 140 partners and more than 850 professionals are organised into 5 geographical subregions."
Our subregions in Latin America are made up as follows:
- Southern subregion (Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Chile and Paraguay)
- Brazilian subregion (Brazil)
- Andean subregion (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela)
- Central American and Caribbean subregion (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and the Dominican Republic)
- Mexican subregion (Mexico).

Some interesting facts about us

Great regional coverage: we are present in all the relevant economic centers of the region, covering 90% of countries in the continent (*without considering the Caribbean islands).

Gender Equality: Did you know that Latin America is the MGI Worldwide region with most female members? Of the total 140 partners, 40% are women (MGI Worldwide's world average is 30%).

Commitment to quality: 86% of our members in Latin America are members of the network and have carried out their quality control process, or will be doing so in the following weeks. All remaining Association firms, are in the process of making the move to the Network. This demonstrates the interest and concern of our member firms to maintain quality of service and to have the certification to prove it. This is an important differentiator for our members in their respective local markets.

Focus on audit: audit is the strongest service sector in most of our firms with 98% of our members offer this service.

The value of the global brand: For our firms, the support of the global brand is very valuable. 50% of our firms use the prefix in their name and several plan to start rebranding soon. Our members work collaboratively to produce and use regional marketing materials, in Spanish, which they publish through their local communication channels, and in this wayhelp to build a strong brand throughout the Latin American region.

The language: yes, almost all the countries in the region speak Spanish. Except for Brazil, where Portuguese is spokn. But all our firms have staff who speak English: something that has become much more widespread amongst the younger generations and that we will continue to encourage to enable better global engagement.
Juan Carlos Guerra, partner at MGI Guerra in Ecuador, member of the Regional Committee and IC member:

"As Latin Americans we distinguish ourselves by our cultural diversity, emotion, passion and strong social and family ties, as well as a rich political history and socioeconomic challenges that our countries share. All these essential elements, in addition to the technical ones, guarantee the quality of services to MGI members in the rest of the world.”
Find a complete listing of all Latin American member firms in the online directory along with full contact details for each of our offices: see here.

For more information visit the MGI Latin America region pages at or contact Regional Director, Andrea Pallas.
MGI Worldwide, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 9,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in over 100 countries around the world.