Prahlad Neelabalan from MGI Asia member firm MGI N Rajan Associates discusses his experience of attending the 2018 MGI Asia Regional meeting

Prahlad Neelabalan discusses his experience of attending the 2018 MGI Asia Meeting

After a very positive experience attending the 2018 MGI Asia meeting that took place in Hong Kong in August, Prahlad Neelabalan looks forward to attending more MGI Worldwide networking events in the future.

Prahlad, from Singapore-based member firm MGI N Rajan Associates, highlights how he found the event very resourceful. He focuses particularly on the interesting subjects that were presented and discussed, and on the opportunity he had to meet representatives from international member firms.

Prahlad highlights how valuable it is to make connections through the network, as it gives all firms access to a wider range of clients and potential business partnerships. He goes on to explain that it has been very beneficial for MGI N Rajan Associates to connect with partners in Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand, as the firm has had the opportunity to hear of their experience in setting up in the local Asia markets and in collaborating on assignments.

Prahlad concludes by expressing his admiration for the calibre of people that he met at the MGI Asia Regional meeting, and their willingness to share their experience, ideas and suggestions.

Watch the testimonial video here:


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