29 Mar 2019

Nadia Yaich from Tunisia-based member firm MGI BFC talks about forging key partnerships to contribute to African economic development

Nadia Yaich discusses how firm focuses on forging key partnerships

Nadia Yaich from MGI Middle East & North Africa firm MGI Business & Financial Consulting (BFC), speaks at the 2018 MGI Worldwide global accountancy network AGM, and discusses how the firm’s vision is to contribute to African economic development through key partnerships.

Nadia outlines how the firm's focus is to create strong and sustainable connections with corporations and other professionals in order to help strengthen Africa's economic development. With a presence in Senegal, Benin and Togo, she explains how forging well-positioned, strategic and technical partnerships enables to expand service offerings and contribute to better customer satisfaction.

Nadia goes on to highlight how these business connections also contribute to social responsibility initiatives. The firm is pleased to be working with NGOs in Benin, and also to have had the opportunity to train members of the Benin Institute of Internal Auditors.

Nadia concludes by extending an invitation to MGI Worldwide members to join MGI Business & Financial Consulting (BFC) in their mission to contribute to African development. 

Watch the video HERE

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