MGI Worldwide Celebrates Record Attendance at our 2024 Global AGM in Rome!
With a record-breaking attendance - up almost 80% from last year - the 2024 Global AGM was held on 23-26 October at the beautiful Westin Excelsior in the heart of Rome.
The largest ever MGI gathering saw over 250 attendees come together from across our 8 regions to celebrate and strengthen lasting friendships, exchange and share ideas, and learn more about the rapidly evolving world of AI. The event will certainly go down in MGI history as one of the best!

Download your Photos!
Go to MGI Worldwide’s Flickr account to see all the photos from this event.

A warm welcome
The tone of the meeting was set by our longstanding Italian family of firms who extended a warm and enthusiastic welcome, providing attendees with a whistle-stop introduction to Italian culture, arts, and of course, food!

… oh, and some fine Italian designer socks.
Grazie to our friends at Integré, MGI Creo+, MGI Studio Pragma, MGI Vannucci & Associati, and Spitaler Frei & Partner.

AI focus
With AI being the hot topic of the moment, the theme of this year’s AGM was ‘Embracing People & Tech’. Delegates heard from some great external speakers who focused on both the human and technical implications of AI in the workplace.

Members making the most of MGI
A big thank you to all our members who shared their inspiring stories about the ways in which MGI membership has helped them and their businesses – stories of collaboration, tech innovation, automation and succession planning.
Gunnar Schwede, Gräwe & Partner, Germany; Rebecca Beitzel, Accru Felsers, Australia; Paul Taylor, Freestone Jacobs, United Kingdom; Baraka Cassian, Cassian & Associates, Tanzania; Ralph Ratnaswamy and Mahathir Mahzan, MGI MR, Malaysia; Hana Elsakka, MGI GRC Consulting, Kuwait; Oscar Antonio Chile, MGI Chile Monroy, Guatemala; Richard Huffman, Wright Ford Young, United States; and Dan Henderson, MGI+More, New Zealand.
Also, thanks to those who took part in the ‘AI meets Human’ Panel Discussion: Amit Chopra, GCA Associates, India; Andreas Klier, Pape & Co., Germany; and Joanne Kingsnorth, Seymour Taylor, UK.

Networking and having fun!
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the Wildgoose chase around Rome - captions welcomed! Full photos and videos coming soon.
Go to MGI Worldwide’s Flickr account to see all the photos and videos from this event.

Once in a life-time experience
One of the highlights of the meeting was undoubtedly the private tour of the Vatican Museums culminating in the magnificent Sistine Chapel – an experience none of us will forget!

A grand finale
Perched above Rome, Vila Miani provided the perfect setting to close a most memorable meeting!

Milestone anniversaries
Congratulations to firms in attendance celebrating 50 and 25 years of membership this year!

Thank you to our contributors
Thanks to Dan Dronsfield, from IT & Accountancy specialists T-Tech, for his insightful talk about ‘Embracing AI: How to Prepare Your Practice’, and to wellbeing coach, Janine van Someren from The Wellbeing Advantage, who spoke about the value of people in an increasingly automated workspace. Also, to Lawrie Abercrombie and Marie Caruso from Arcanum Cyber Security who looked at what cyber security means and how it’s liable to manifest to small and medium businesses.
To our sponsors, IBIS World, especially George Fox, Stuart Griffin and Liam Flanagan who were in attendance; and GDLSK, represented by Bob Silverman.

MGI Worldwide is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with over 8,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in almost 100 countries around the world.