05 Aug 2023

MGI Latin America celebrates its 2023 Regional Conference in Cancun, Mexico

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On 19-21 July 2023, MGI Latin America held its annual conference in Cancun, Mexico. Over 50 members gathered from across the region for two days of learning, networking, and having fun with friends and colleagues.

An evening of mariachis and margaritas kicked off the event in true Mexican style. The strong bonds of friendship and collaborative spirit among the attendees was evident from the start.

Our excellent hosts, the team of Alberto Rocabert & Co., took care of every detail making for an enjoyable meeting for all delegates and their companions, creating a truly memorable experience on the Riviera Maya.

The diverse agenda addressed various topics of interest to Latin American firms, from services and business opportunities, to technical issues and more strategic matters. How to become a trusted consultant, the use of Artificial Intelligence in accounting firms, and good Human Resources management were some of the presentations - in addition to a special focus on marketing and branding issues with the hope of continuing to strengthen the MGI Worldwide brand across the region.

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Welcome to our new members

We were fortunate to welcome three new firms that joined the MGI Worldwide family in Latin America in recent months: Quinteros Mcclellan y Asociados in Bolivia, MGI Murillo y Asociados in Costa Rica, and Porras Barrera Consultores y Auditores in Nicaragua who will be joining the network as of September.

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Women Who Lead in Latin America

During the conference, MGI Latin America wanted to take the opportunity to bring together the women present. The aim of the gathering was to rethink and relaunch the Women Who Lead initiative in Latin America and to promote regional actions, in Spanish, adapted to the reality and concerns of local firms.

Latin America has more women members than any other region in the world and a large group of women leaders who we hope will add value to this initiative.

Recognition of our members' achievements

MGI Latin America took advantage of the occassion to mark recognise milestone anniversaries being celebrated by some of its firms. Cuauhtémoc Contreras and Juan Carlos Guerra, representatives of Latin America on the IC (International Committee), hosted the ceremony.

Helio Ribeiro received the recognition for Audiger Auditores & Consultores for its 30 years; Ricardo Camacho received the recognition for Camacho y Asociados for its 40 years; José Triztán received the recognition for MGI Zavala Gutiérrez y Cía for its 50 years; Karin Monchak as representative of Brazil received recognition for Orplan Auditores Indepdendentes for its 60 years; and Rafael Castellanos received recognition for MGI Bargalló Cardoso y Asociados for its 60 years. Congratulations to all for your outstanding achievements!

NEW Regional Council announced

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The current Regional Council had its last in-person meeting before the main conference to review matters that have been worked on, virtually, over the last months The group had the opportunity to talk with CEO Chris Borneman about the strategic issues of major relevance for Latin America.

During the main conference, the new Regional Council was ratified - they will take over in October of this year. A big thank you to those who have dedicated their time and effort to the growth of Latin America, particularly post-merger: Cuauhtémoc Contreras, from Despacho Zesati; Carlos Padilla from C. P. & A; Juan Carlos Guerra of MGI Guerra; Karin Monchak of MGI Assurance; Oscar Chile Monroy of MGI Chile Monroy y Asociados; Rafael Castellanos of MGI Bargalló Cardoso y Asociados; Rafael Zamudio of CPA BAAS and Viviana Rojas of MGI Hernán Espejo y Asociados.

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Time for entertainment and relaxation

A very Mexican welcome cocktail was held above the beach on the first night. Delegates were treated to an evening of margaritas and mariachis - and there was no shortage of brave delegates to join them in song!

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Rain meant that the last's night's gala dinner had to be brought indoors, but this did not detract from the fun had by all. Delegates enjoyed a show of music, lights, and water drums - and everyone took part!

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And of course there was the traditional golf tournament, which took place before the main conference - our golfing enthusiasts taking advantage of the incredible course offered by the Moon Palace Hotel.

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A big thank you to the hosts for this fantastic meeting and to all the delegates who attended and made this meeting a success. See you next year in Cartagena, Colombia!

You can see the full gallery of images here.

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For more inforamtion please contact Andrea Pallas [email protected]

MGI Worldwide, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 9,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in over 100 countries around the world.