11 Apr 2016

MGI Australasia’s Joyce|Dickson talks about membership

MGI Australasian member Lorin Joyce from Canberra talks about his reasons for joining the network.

During last year's MGI Australasian AGM, MGI Worldwide CEO, Clive Bennett spoke with Lorin Joyce, founding partner at MGI’s Canberra firm Joyce|Dickson, to hear about their reasons for joining and what the firm hopes to gain from membership.

The five-partner firm joined MGI Australasia during 2015 and Wayne Bolin from the firm attended MGI's flagship global annual event in London last October. The firm specialises in providing support and advice to family and private business clients. It also has strong expertise in Self-Managed Superannuation.

Why did you decide to join MGI?

We’re a relatively new firm - we’ve been around 12 years now and for us it was really about what was the next step in our journey as a firm and how could we continue to improve. We’re always looking to improve and we want to improve our service to clients and offer a more national and international service.

Why did you decide to join MGI instead of another association?

We were lucky enough to attend the Australasian AGM in 2014. We got along really well with a lot of the firms. We had a really good feel for the relationship and we found it was a tight network in Australasia.

What do you want to get from MGI?

For us it’s about the resources. A few weeks ago we had some staff go to an MGI Future Leaders Programme. So it’s staff development but also brand recognition is important. Staff feel like they’re part of a bigger organisation and this applies to clients also. It’s about the international reach - we’ve already dealt with some of the other offices in the world. It’s about developing us as a firm and developing the resources we can get as an organisation.

Why is sharing the brand across Australia important?

It’s important for a couple of reasons. We don’t do audit at the moment but we are looking to do so in the future. We think that national and international brand recognition is really important from an audit perspective. And it gives the clients we want to be working with an understanding of the size and available network we have, whether it’s a specialist in R&D or tax specialisations for different states.

To speak to Lorin or anyone else at Joyce|Dickson, head to the firm's MGI Worldwide member profile page.

MGI Australasia is part of MGI Worldwide a global network of independent audit, tax and accounting firms with some 5,000 professionals in more than 250 locations around the world.  This year's MGI Australian AGM is to be held on 13 - 16 April 2016 in Queenstown, New Zealand.