Mexico-based firm Camacho y Asociados Asesores de Empresas makes the move to MGI Worldwide
Keen to reap the benefits of belonging to a global accounting network, Mexico-based firm Camacho y Asociados Asesores de Empresas has transitioned their membership from CPAAI to the MGI Worldwide network.

The firm is based in the southern part of Central Mexico, around 100 km southeast of Mexico City in the city of Puebla - the capital and largest city in the state of Puebla.
Puebla City serves as one of the main hubs in Central Mexico, with a number of prestigious universities and a background of excellence in industry, boasting the world's largest Volkswagen factory outside of Germany and the most technologically advanced Audi plant in the western hemisphere.
An introduction to the firm
Camacho y Asociados has two partners, Ricardo Camacho and Gerardo Notario. Ricardo’s father founded the firm in 1966 and with Ricardo taking over in 2002. The firm now consists of 17 professionals and 21 staff in total.
Camacho y Asociados’ key service areas are accounting, audit and business advisory – of which they mainly assist with corporate tax advice. As well as offering these services to private businesses, the firm also serves government entities, though to a lesser extent.
What makes the firm unique, at a glance

Why make the move to MGI?
Ricardo explains:
“With so many German and Spanish companies in the Puebla region, we felt the need to be part of a global network – this is why Camacho & Asociados initially joined CPAAI back in 2018. In CPAAI, and now MGI, the greatest added value is not referrals but the sharing and exchanging of information. The firm has had exchanges with other member firms about how to do business and has received a lot of support from MGI Mexico, especially from the larger firms who help the smaller ones by inviting them to their training courses.”
Ricardo recognised that MGI Worldwide valued the firm as members in Mexico and decided to make the transition in confidence that they would receive excellent levels of support to help meet their objectives. Furthermore, Ricardo noted the value in being a member of the Forum of Firms, which comes with belonging to the network, as a big plus in their local market.

A message from Ricardo

“The partners and collaborators of Camacho & Asociados Asesores de Empresas are pleased to celebrate a double event this year 2023, first our incorporation to the MGI Worldwide network and at the same time the celebration of our 40th anniversary as an accounting firm in the City of Puebla, Mexico.
“Being part of the MGI Worldwide network represents great professional advantages for our firm and at the same time a great commitment to quality in our services. Just a few of the advantages include: being able to use the ‘A Member of MGI Worldwide’ logo, the fact that MGI belongs to the Forum of Firms, the events and marketing support, the exchange of business with our partners and above all the friendship that is lived in our firm.
“We hope to meet and be known by more and more members every day and eventually be able to exchange experiences, work and friendship with everyone."
Best regards from Puebla, Mexico
José Ricardo Camacho
You can find out more about Camacho y Asociados Asesores de Empresas at the firm’s website or on their member profile page.
MGI Worldwide, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 9,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in over 100 countries around the world.