MGI Worldwide membership ensures firms can provide clients with trusted international service

For UK-based firm Alexander Knight & Co, MGI Worldwide membership has allowed them to provide seamless international service to clients looking for support abroad. Membership has also enabled the firm to collaborate with MGI firms in other countries, providing support for their clients in the UK.
Positive relationships built on trust
In a recent collaboration, MGI Worldwide member firm Revideco AB, based in Sweden, reached out to Alexander Knight & Co requesting assistance for one of its clients who needed some UK-specific advice relating to a subsidiary in England. As a result of the introduction by partners at Revideco, Murray Patt and his team at Alexander Knight & Co were able to assist Revideco’s client - a Cheshire-based company - with its annual Audit requirements.
Alexander Knight & Co was pleased to have been appointed by the client to undertake this activity and that the relationship has developed positively.
Read and download the full Success Story HERE.

For more information visit:
Alexander Knight & Co's profile page or website
Revideco AB's profile page or website
Share your collaboration stories!
In 2023, an incredible 90% of firms reported their collaborations via the @collaborations email. These collaborations highlight our network's worldwide scope, emphasising how members can directly connect with each other for client support, actively embracing the MGI Worldwide vision - personal: global: collaborative.
"Alexander Knight & Co shows the true value of being part of the MGI Worldwide global network. Clients want a ‘safe pair of hands’ they can trust, and access as needed, wherever they choose to do business. This collaboration is a prime example of how two firms can work together seamlessly, providing high-quality support and advice to international clients in the UK."
Maxine Brock, CMO MGI Worldwide
Send your collaboration stories to [email protected]
MGI Worldwide, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with over 8,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in almost 100 countries around the world.