11 Mar 2024

APV (Cambodia) Co., Ltd shares insights on marketing benefits through MGI Worldwide membership

Veasna Chann from APV (Cambodia) Co., Ltd, shared the benefits of being part of the MGI Worldwide global accounting network and how this can lead to increased business opportunities and growth.

Marketing support and resources

Central to their success is the invaluable support received from MGI Worldwide. Veasna emphasised the role of marketing assistance and ongoing guidance, underscoring the network's availability to lend a helping hand.

Emphasising the importance of promoting their international affiliation, Veasna highlighted the integration of MGI Worldwide into their business proposals. Prospective clients are now presented with comprehensive insights into the network, illustrating the wide ranging benefits of partnering with an MGI member firm.

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For more information and enquiries, contact Veasna Chann, see firm profile here.

Stay tuned for more inspiring member stories and insights from MGI Worldwide!


MGI Worldwide, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with over 8,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in almost 100 countries around the world.