24 Oct 2018

Khaled Al-Bassam of Al-Hamli & Partners, Saudi Arabia, explains how connecting with a global network like MGI Worldwide has boosted the reputation of his brand

Membership to MGI Worldwide enables Khaled Al-Bassam to exchange expertise with other members

Khaled Al-Bassam from member firm Al-Hamli & Partners, outlines how being a member of international accounting association MGI Worldwide boosts the firm's profile and standard of professionalism.

Khaled points out that being visible through MGI Worldwide increases Al-Hamli's classification with government and banking organisations in Saudi Arabia, which many clients require before considering doing business with the firm. This increased visibility allows them to access a greater client base where their focus is on providing the best quality of service possible.

He also explains how useful it is for his business to have the opportunity to exchange expertise and information with other members - a key reason for him having chosen to become part of the global accounting network.

For more information on Al-Hamli & Partners, click here.

Watch the full testimonial video here:

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MGI Middle East & North Africa is part of MGI Worldwide a top 20 ranked global accounting network with some 5,000 independent auditors, accountants and tax experts in over 260 locations around the world.