19 Jul 2021

Italy-based MGI Studio Pragma attracts business and encourages growth with newly developed financial planning software

Active members of the network since 2004, Italian firm MGI Studio Pragma, publishes it's latest news letter with the network explaining how it has adopted a new financial planning software that is helping the firm to grow its consultancy practice and attract new business in Italy.

MGI Studio Pragma is cooperating with ANDAF, a non-profit Italian association founded in 1968 by the heads of the Administration, Finance, Management Control, Planning and Internal Auditing functions of Italian companies, whose aim is to contribute to the training and professional growth of its members. ANDAF is part of the International Association of Financial Executives Institutes (IAFEI), a world federation that brings together over 25,000 members from 21 member countries. 

Introducing ‘FIPLAN SUITE’ 

The software that MGI Studio Pragma has adopted and developed by 4Planning srl, is aimed at helping CFOs, financial controllers, treasury managers and cost controllers of SMEs from any business sector. Partner at the firm, Francesco Bartolucci, is our lead VAT expert and part of the Global VAT Specialist Group and he explained that the tool, ‘FIPLAN SUITE’ helps with financial planning, cash budgeting, costs control, budgeting and forecasting. 

Strategic partnerships and the launch of a webinar programme 

MGI Studio Pragma also got in touch with Associazione Italiana Tesorieri d' Impresa (AITI), an EACT member integrating CFOs, treasurers and finance professionals in Italy and, thanks to the partnerships, they were successful in launching a training initiative that featured five webinars focused on financial and treasury issues. 


We launched these webinars in order to promote our capabilities in the services that make us different in our market, exactly as we do with our MGI prefix.” 

Francesco Bartolucci

The webinars were a huge hit with prospective clients, with over 150 people connecting to the first two, and the next one is on Wednesday 21st at 5:00 CEST and is about the BUSINESS PLAN (the webinar will be held in Italian, here is the link to register: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-il-business-plan-spunti-utili-per-redigerlo-in-modo-completo-142228674795). There is now a potential to extend the programme to other topics, including international ones.  

Plans for the future  

Determined to maximise opportunities further, MGI Studio Pragma has engaged a communications and marketing expert to assist with defining an ongoing strategy to follow up with the attendees and hopefully transform them into clients.  

If you would like to hear more about MGI Studio Pragma's experience, contact Francesco Bartolucci on [email protected] or visit the firm profile page or website

It’s great to hear what our member firms are doing to stand out in the market and be different. If you have news to share with us too, we would love to hear it. Please get in touch with International Marketing Director Maxine Brock at [email protected].  

MGI Worldwide with CPAAI is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 10,000 independent auditors, accountants and tax experts in some 460 locations in more than 100 countries around the world.