“Investing in MGI is beneficial for motivating and retaining staff” says new Executive Committee member, Jane Lowden

MGI’s London-based member firm F.W. Smith Riches do an exceptional job of offering opportunities for others within their firm to get involved and benefit from their global accounting membership and are a fabulous example of how to inspire and motivate others.
Staff attraction and retention can be a key challenge for many firms. We spoke to Jane at the MGI Worldwide Global AGM in Bangkok who shared how making the most of her firm’s membership can help.
The value of getting more people involved in MGI

“Our firm has been a member of MGI since 2017. Amongst other things, one of the real benefits that we saw in becoming members was how it would help with motivating and retaining our staff.
We've made a real effort to include as many people in our firm as possible within MGI so that everyone from the senior partners through to the trainees can really feel part of the network. That's been a huge success for us.
We've had four members of staff attend the UK Professional Development Academy; we regularly send our managers and newly qualified staff to the European Talent meeting and more recently we had nine members of staff attend the UK & Ireland meeting in Edinburgh.”, says Jane.
Rewarding staff achievements through MGI
“This year we used the Talent meeting as a way to really celebrate the exam success of one of our trainees. They ordinarily wouldn't have attended this meeting for another couple of years, but we were so proud of her and her achievements that we asked if she'd like to attend. She was really excited to experience the event and got so much out of it.
We're really committed to trying to take our managers along with the partners to the international meetings, so that we can help the younger members of our firm to build up relationships with MGI too, and really make the most of our membership.”, continues Jane.
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Jane Lowden is Managing Partner of MGI’s London-based Firm F.W Smith Riches & Co. She has recently been elected as MGI Worldwide’s new Executive committee member, making her the first female representative alongside Karin Monchak – we are thrilled to have them both representing us!
Do you have a story to share?
We were delighted to hear how Jane and her team have been benefitting from their membership with MGI Worldwide and we would love to hear how membership has been working for you too. If you’ve got a story you would like us to share, please get in touch with our Chief Marketing Officer, Maxine Brock, at [email protected].
MGI Worldwide, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with over 8,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in almost 100 countries around the world.