16 Oct 2018

Filip Zeljkovic from member firm Dva Dukata doo discusses how MGI Worldwide is helping the small Serbian business to establish itself on an international level

Filip Zeljkovic discusses how membership is helping Serbian firm to increase its international reach.

Speaking during the MGI Worldwide 2018 European Annual Meeting, Filip Zeljkovic explains how much the global accounting network has helped to increase international exposure for the Serbian firm. 

Filip discusses how, as a small enterprise in an emerging market, building a brand is very important yet challenging. The company's motivation in wanting to connect with MGI Worldwide is to become established in international markets in order to build global networks, and ultimately be more visible.

Filip goes on to remark how Dva Dukata doo is already benefiting from the valuable information and insights from network members.

He adds that the company can constantly improve its services and share its expert knowledge with partners everywhere in the world, while also focusing on helping clients progress, safe in the knowledge that they are working with a quality-assured enterprise.

Watch the full testimonial video here:

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MGI Europe is part of MGI Worldwide, a top 20 ranked international accounting network with some 5,000 independent auditors, accountants and tax experts in more than 260 locations around the world.