07 Nov 2023

Exciting Update: Introduction of New Leadership at MGI Worldwide with Executive and International Committee Members Announced

New MGI Worldwide Executive and International committee members named 2023

We are delighted to introduce the newest members of our Executive and International Committees! Emphasising our commitment to diversity, we take great pride in welcoming our first female Executive Committee members to MGI Worldwide this year. This marks a significant stride towards fostering inclusivity at the highest levels of our organisation and something we are incredibly proud of at MGI Worldwide.  

During our recent Global AGM in Bangkok, our CEO, Chris Borneman, shared news of this exciting update.

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Chris Borneman

“I am delighted to announce that the new International Committee (IC) sat for the first time in Bangkok on 18 October 2023.  The first task of the day was to elect the new Executive Committee (EC) and the new Chairman which was a unanimous decision.
I am also delighted to highlight that 25% of the IC and 66% of the EC is now female – up from 0%!"

Meet our new Executive and International Committee

MGI Worldwide welcomes Laszlo Killik, of MGI-BPO in Budapest, Hungary, as he assumes the role of Chairman, succeeding our longest-standing Chairman, Roger Isaacs from Milsted Langdon, UK.

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László Killik

“I, with the support of the EC, IC, and MGI Worldwide team, am committed to strengthening our organisation, building on the hard work of our previous Boards.  By leveraging innovative thinking I intend to enhance the value received by our member firms, and thus demonstrate the increasing benefit received through membership.”

Joining Laszlo on the Executive Committee are Jane Lowden from F.W Smith, Riches & Co., UK, and Karin Monchak from MGI Assurance Auditores Independentes S.S., Brazil.

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 Jane Lowden

Karin Monchak grey background_300x300.png

Karin Monchak

“I am incredibly proud to be part of the EC and am looking forward to working with the team as MGI enters its next chapter.”


It is an incredible opportunity to collaborate with MGI as an EC member. New team, new times but always with the aim of supporting and strengthening our network.”

We also welcome our other IC members; Sam Acquaviva from MGI Parkinson, Australia; Mohamed Boumesmar from Audicis, Morocco; Ray Frierson, Frierson, Solá, Simonton & Kutac, PLLC, United States; Young Ham, MGI Hanmi Accounting Corporation, Korea; and Daddy Nkuvu, MGI Strong Nkv, Congo (Democratic Republic).

László Killik

László Killik

Chair*, Represents Europe, based in Budapest, Hungary

Karin Monchak

Karin Monchak

IC Member*, Represents Latin America. based in Curitiba, Brazil

Jane Lowden

Jane Lowden

IC Member*, Represents UK & Ireland. based in London, UK

Young Ham

Young Ham

IC Member, Represents Asia, based in Seoul, Korea

Daddy Nkuvu Wena

Daddy Nkuvu Wena

IC Member, Represents Africa, based in Kinshasa, DRC

Sam Acquaviva

Sam Acquaviva

IC Member, Represents Australasia, based in Perth, Australia

Mohamed Boumesmar

Mohamed Boumesmar

IC Member, Represents Middle East & North Africa, based in Casablanca, Morocco

Jeff Vroman

Jeff Vroman

IC Member, Represents North America, based in Iowa, USA

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A heartfelt thank you for the previous Committee’s hard work

As we welcome new faces, we bid farewell to our departing International Committee members, expressing deep gratitude for their time and commitment over recent years. Their efforts have been invaluable to MGI Worldwide’s success.

At our recent AGM in Bangkok, we acknowledged our departing Executive and International Committee members, presenting each with a special gift for their commitment and leadership.

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Clockwise from top left: Roger Isaacs, from Milsted Langdon LLP, UK; Lawrence Wong, from FTW CPA (Practising) Limited, Hong Kong; Greg Winnett, from Accru Melbourne, Australia; Cuauhtémoc Contreras, from Zesati Contadores, Mexico; Imran Assam, from MGI Alliance PAC, Singapore; and Paul Rudoy, from H2R CPA, United States of America.

Looking ahead

As we stride into 2024, a new chapter awaits with opportunities and challenges. Together, we are poised to explore innovative solutions under fresh, forward-thinking leadership.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has contributed to our organisation’s success. With each passing challenge, we remain confident in our collective ability to thrive and evolve together as global community of independent firms.


For more information mgiworld.com/about/our-people.

MGI Worldwide, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 9,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in over 100 countries around the world.