European Area Central Circle Meeting 2017
The 2017 Central Circle Meeting took place between 27-28 April at the headquarters of RLT Ruhrmann Tieben & Partner mbB in Essen. The conference welcomed 30 delegates form Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Switzerland and UK.
This time, circle leaders Michael Grüne and Thomas Althoff put the focus on sharing practical MGI related information.
Members received an extensive update on the coming quality review process and guidance on how to take part in webinars and practice groups. Circle leaders further drew the attention of members to the M&A Market Place, and BFD, a German firm specialised in information management, introduced their product.
Participants shared views on the recent European Talent Meeting. It was reassuring to hear delegates welcomed this new engagement and expressed their future support.
Members reelected Michael Grüne and Thomas Althoff as Central Circle Coordinators for the coming two years.
As well as all the formal meetings, there was plenty of time for members to catch up with one another over food, a glass of wine and a game of football.
MGI Europe is part of MGI Worldwide, a top 20 ranked global accounting network with some 5,000 independent auditors, accountants and tax experts in over 260 locations around the world.