05 May 2017

Eduardo Montufar talks about his reasons for joining MGI Worldwide and how using the MGI Worldwide brand has benefited his business

MGI Latin America member Eduardo Montufar from Panama talks about the global brand and benefit to business.

MGI Member Eduardo Montufar, from member firm MGI Montufar y Asociados, based in Panama City, Panama, speaks about his reasons for joining the network, and the many ways in which using the MGI Worldwide brand has benefited his business.

He explains that network membership has helped them in serving their international clients, both Panamanian companies who want to start doing business off-shore, and foreign companies looking to use Panama as a centre for financial operations.

Eduardo goes on to say that MGI branding has helped the firm gain recognition among the business community, giving confidence to clients and assuring them that MGI Montufar y Asociados can offer a much greater scope of services than other local companies.

Watch the full member testimonial video: