28 May 2021

Eastern European Circle meeting takes place online, gathering members from 17 countries, across Europe and the United Kingdom

MGI Worldwide CPAAI Eastern European Circle meets virtually in May

Eastern European Circle Leaders, Carmen Simion and Laszlo Killik, welcomed participants at the recent Eastern European Circle Meeting. The meeting attracted 39 registered delegates from 34 firms, and 17 countries, from across Europe and UK & Ireland.

The meeting followed a similar schedule to the other circle meetings focusing on networking and sharing news on Specialist groups, the Collaboration Project, Nordic Circle and the merger.

The Easter Circle had not met for some time so participants appreciated the opportunity to get in touch with old friends and meet new members, learning more about the working groups and ways in which firms can collaborate.

The organisers want to thank Jane Lowden, Nicki Lynn, Susannah Adams, Andreas Klier, Bart van Gool, Clive Bennett, Eric Emilsson, Francesco Bartolucci, Lance Middleton and Marco Petrucci for taking time to update members on different MGI CPAAI matters.


For more information please contact MGI Europe Regional Director Zoltan Paksy at [email protected].

MGI Worldwide with CPAAI is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 10,000 independent auditors, accountants and tax experts in some 460 locations in over 100 countries around the world.