23 Mar 2020

CPAAI and MGI Mexico firms hold their first joint AGM in Mexico City with more than 30 Partners in attendance

Mexico-based CPAAI and MGI Worldwide accounting network and association member firms held their first AGM

Mexico-based CPAAI and MGI Worldwide accounting network and association member firms gathered together on 5-6 March for their first joint Mexican AGM.

The meeting took place in Mexico City, at the fabulous JW Marriott Polanco hotel, the perfect setting for delegates to get to know one another, meet new colleagues and build friendships.

The agenda focussed on next steps and planning for the future of the organisation in Mexico with discussions about ways in which to develop and achieve sustained growth in the region.

Fernanda López, MGI Worldwide with CPAAI Mexico Manager said “Our first joint meeting as MGI - CPAAI México undoubtedly exceeded our expectations; with the 100% participation of our Mexican Firms we managed to establish a very positive first contact, the interaction of the Partners was extraordinary."

Also in attendance from were Clive Viegas Bennett, CEO, and Michael Parness, COO of MGI Worldwide with CPAAI, and Andrea Pallas, Regional Director for MGI Latin America.

Andrea commented “It was a very friendly and warm meeting, excellent in terms of integration between the MGI and CPAAI firms. Some good opportunities for collaboration or complementary work were immediately identified which will undoubtedly bear fruit as the relationship continues to consolidate, which is of course, what the whole group is aiming for. ”

The event ended with a tour of the offices of Despacho Zesati y Cía., where the closing cocktail took place.


MGI Latin America is part of MGI Worldwide with CPAAI, a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with over 10,000 independent auditors, accountants and tax experts in some 460 locations in almost 100 countries around the world.