22 May 2023

Close to 90 delegates gather for the 2023 MGI European Conference held in Copenhagen, Denmark

MGI Worldwide’s Danish member Redmark, and the leaders of the European Region welcomed close to 90 participants at the 2023 MGI European Conference in Copenhagen between 28-29 April.

The meeting delivered exceptionally great results, attracting 89 delegates from 67 firms and 27 countries with Regional Director Zoltan Paksy and the European Region leaders putting together an exciting schedule.

European Conference_delegates_1900x285.png

Engaging speakers

The plenary sessions focused on the Danish market, the young generations, the cannabis business, outsourcing opportunities, digitalization, and MGI Worldwide matters.

Inspiring speakers presented on a wide range of topics. The audience had the opportunity to listen to Bjarne Corydon, ex-Danish Finance Minister, about the Danish Economy and politics. The 23-year-old youngest-ever speaker Jahkini Bisselink shared her research outcomes about Generation  Z. Chris Borneman moderated a discussion about outsourcing with Anuj Sharerdalal and Amit Chopra, Tracey Wickens and Roger Isaacs. Dr Michael Grüne talked about the challenges of the cannabis business launch into the German market. The audience had many questions regarding digitalisation and AI. Hans Peter Lybaek from Redmark to talk about robotics in accounting and Jeremy Hyman about what AI is and how to deal with it.

Time to connect

Social elements were integrated into the programme to help members engage, build networks and share news. Delegates explored the city on a boat and competed in small teams using tablets to get to know Copenhagen city center.
Danish cuisine is world-famous. Delegates enjoyed two fantastic restaurants: one in Nyhavn and one in Tivoli Gardens, and finished the Friday night with a live rock concert!

The amazing weather, excellent choice of venue and conference content made this one of the best European Conferences to date. A massive thank you to Zoltan and his European team on a hugely successful event!

Pictures of people attendting MGI Europe Conference

Positive feedback

Chartered accountant at MGI Worldwide accounting network member firm MGI Studio Pragma


"It is a pleasure to be part of a great #network as MGI Worldwide! This meeting held in Copenhagen allowed me and Francesco Bartolucci from MGI Studio Pragma to meet old and new colleagues! Thanks to all those who made this possible! See you soon!"

Andrea Marini MGI Studio Pragma, Italy

Partner at MGI Worldwide accounting network member firm MGI Midgley Snelling LLP


"Tracey Wickens and I recently attended the 2023 MGI Worldwide European Conference in Copenhagen. Denmark is considered one of the safest countries in the world, and its culture described by three aspects of Danish life: simplicity, politeness and equality. “It was a great opportunity to see our international colleagues in such a wonderful and colourful city. Key topics surrounding AI and automation and HR were on the agenda and very relevant in today’s world, not just accountancy. A huge thank you to all involved in making our visit so informative and enjoyable."

Sarah SquiresMGI Midgley Snelling LLP, UK

Communication accounting expert at MGI Worldwide accounting network member firm FCN


"I recently had the opportunity to attend the MGI European Conference in Copenhagen. A perfectly organised event with many interesting sessions focused on the human aspect, the management of our teams but also on artificial intelligence that is entering our daily practice. This unique experience in my career was excellent and enriching."

Noémie Gogul FCN, France



"Just to say thank you to the MGI Worldwide team, especially Zoltan Paksy, for inviting me to speak at the conference in Copenhagen. An excellent audience, really engaged in a lively discussion on practical applications of AI in the accountancy profession. Thank you too to Chris Borneman, Nicki Lynn, Emma Rowley and Maxine Brock for making me feel so welcome, as always!"

Jeremy HymanGuest speaker, UK

Be sure to have a flick through all the event pictures at flickr.com

Montage of 18 pictures of delegates attending the European conference in Copenhagen


MGI Worldwide, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 9,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in over 100 countries around the world.