04 May 2017

Australasia Area Meeting 2017

The 2017 Australasian Conference took place on 6th-7th April 2017 in beautiful Adelaide

The 2017 Australasian Conference took place on 6th-7th April 2017 in beautiful Adelaide, South Australia.  Nestled between the ocean and the hills, Adelaide is renowned for being the gateway to some of Australia’s most accessible wine country.  It also happens to be home to our second oldest Australasian member, MGI Adelaide who graciously hosted this year’s conference. 

Local and Global Updates

Rob Lanzilli, a partner from our host firm, opened proceedings on the Thursday morning followed by an update from our Australasian Chairman, Grant Field in which he reflected on the future of the profession, why MGI Australasia exists and how MGI Worldwide and its people can stand out to prosper in the changing landscape. 

Conference room image 1 Australasia Area Meeting 2017    Conference room image 2 Australasia Area Meeting 2017

Speakers and Presentations 4 Australasia Area Meeting 2017    Conference room image 4 Australasia Area Meeting 2017

Casey Lightbody, MGI Australasian Marketing and Area Coordinator then reported on the progress of the My Catalyst benchmarking tool as the successor to the long running Family and Private Business Survey, and how we are better positioned than ever before to leverage our expertise as a network.

MGI Australasia was delighted to welcome Clive Bennett, CEO of MGI Worldwide, to the event as he’d made the long haul trip from Europe to join us in Adelaide and provide his insights into how MGI Worldwide is progressing and providing support to the network.

Breakout Sessions

From there, delegates then split into various breakout sessions covering the core focus areas of practice management, business development and service specialisations.  The revised format proved particularly popular and we revisited this format on Friday after a keynote presentation and subsequent workshop on Building Winning Teams, facilitated by Dan Collins, a two-time Olympic medallist and high performance consultant.  The morning session on the Friday was particularly challenging and provided delegates with numerous issues to be considered in the leadership space.

Celebrated for its food and wine culture, Adelaide lived up to its expectations with our delegates enjoying a delectable meal at 2KW restaurant sponsored by Accountable. The delegates were able to catch up with colleagues in a social environment for an enjoyable night at the Adelaide Oval, where they had the opportunity to browse the famous Bradman Collection and enjoy a three-course dinner, courtesy of our our Gold Sponsor, Accountancy Insurance.

Delegate dinner 2 Australasia Area Meeting 2017   Delegate dinner 1 Australasia Area Meeting 2017   Delegate dinner 3 Australasia Area Meeting 2017

Farewell to Des Caulfield

Farewells were made to an integral member of the MGI Worldwide family, Des Caulfield who will be retiring from a long and distinguished career at MGI Adelaide spanning more than 30 years. His absence will be felt locally, nationally and internationally across the MGI network.

Speakers and Presentations 1 Australasia Area Meeting 2017   Speakers and Presentations 2 Australasia Area Meeting 2017   Speakers and Presentations 3 Australasia Area Meeting 2017

MGI Worldwide members can see the full meeting highlights along with the conference agenda and full delegate list, in the online Member Area in the Meeting highlights section. Click HERE to login.  

MGI Australasia is part of MGI Worldwide, a top 20 ranked global accounting network with some 5,000 independent auditors, accountants and tax experts in over 260 locations around the world.