21 May 2018

Arthur Baguley talks of being a member of a welcoming and supportive international accounting association

Arthur Baguley talks of how being a member of MGI Worldwide has helped business in difficult times

Arthur Baguley from MGI Worldwide member firm MGI Bass Gordon talks of how becoming a member of such a supportive network has helped business through difficult times.

Looking back over 30 years of MGI Bass Gordon's membership to MGI Worldwide, Arthur Baguley describes how through South Africa's tough times, doing business was very challenging. He discusses how membership to an international organisation helped keep business going. "We were able to use our existing network, alliance and association during those times, to assist our clients overseas, and through that maintain our clients."

He goes on to state how the word "overseas" is no longer seen as being distant anymore but merely "around the corner" thanks to being part of MGI Worldwide. 

Arthur concludes by describing the global accounting network as a very friendly association that is comfortable and welcoming.

Watch the full testimonial video here:

Visit the MGI Bass Gordon member profile page HERE 

MGI Bass Gordon is part of MGI Africa, a regional network of MGI Worldwide, a top 20 ranked global accounting network with some 5,000 independent auditors, accountants and tax experts in over 260 locations around the world.