Another fun and inspiring Talent Meeting held this year in Brussels
Held on 30-31 March, MGI Europe and MGI UK & Ireland regions welcomed 103 delegates at the 2023 MGI Talent Meeting in Brussels, Belgium.
The meeting was supported by 42 member firms who sent more than 100 delegates, representing over 20 countries - an impressive ten firms sent four or more people to the conference. A special mention must go to France’s FCN who did an exceptional job by sending 12 delegates to the meeting! It was particularly exciting that for a significant number of participants, this was their first time attending an MGI Worldwide event, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive.
The event's primary goal was to assist people in building international connections and strengthening MGI Worldwide awareness. Attendees had a good time learning from others and enjoyed the team building Chain Reaction workshop.
There were two keynotes speakers. The 24-year-old generation researcher Jahkini Bisselink delivered an inspiring presentation and dialogue about generational differences and Jeremy Hyman shared knowledge of AI and an understanding of the difference between IT in the working place and at home.
Watch a snapshot video of the event:
What our 'Talent' had to say
MGI Worldwide’s Chairman Roger Isaacs was in attendance as well as members of the central team, including Chris Borneman, CEO, and Maxine Brock, CMO, who introduced MGI Worldwide to the participants.
MGI Europe and UK & Ireland regions look forward to delivering another Talent Meeting in 2024 but in the meantime, a big thank you to Zoltan Paksy and Paul Winder for yet another excellent Talent Meeting. We leave the last words to Paul:
Click to view the event photo gallery

MGI Worldwide, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 9,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in over 100 countries around the world.