Africa Area Meeting - 2016
The MGI Africa Area Meeting took place on the 10-11 November in the coastal city of Cape Town, South Africa. 12 delegates took part, representing member firms in Congo (Democratic Republic); Madagascar; Cape Town and Johannesburg, South Africa; and new member Baines Trust and Corporate Services, Mauritius.
Hosted by MGI Bass Gordon at their offices in the heart of Cape Town’s city centre, delegates had plenty of opportunity to network and talk with their fellow members and get to know each other better, while at the same time enjoying sweeping views of the city.

Dinner was enjoyed at “The Butcher Shop & Grill” on the sea front at Moulle Point. The food and wine were excellent and the atmosphere buzzing.
MGI Worldwide is a top 20 ranked international accounting network with some 5,000 independent auditors, accountants and tax experts in over 260 locations around the world.
For full meeting highlights and to download presentation files from the event, members can visit the website Member Area > Meeting Highlights section HERE.