01 Nov 2021

A big thank you to everyone who helped make our 2021 Virtual Global Meeting such a tremendous success!

2021 Virtual Global Meeting attracts some 650 members from around the world

Taking place over a full 17-hours on 20 October, our 2021 Virtual Global Meeting attracted some 650 people from 200 firms throughout the day, representing 80% of member firms around the world.

It was a great coming together of members, staff and colleagues of all levels and backgrounds!

The 17-hour rolling programme gave plenty of opportunity for everyone involved to choose time slots according to their time zone, and the variety and pace of sessions delivered a good mix of “Getting to know each other” networking, guest speakers, member-led breakout discussion groups on technical and business issues, global and regional updates and presentations.

Feedback from our members around the world has been positive! 

92% of members providing feedback rated the event 4 or 5 stars saying they were "very satisfied" with the event overall. We also saw a total of 354 messages exchanged among delegates on the day and a total of 84 discussions held.  

The “Best Session” with the most attended delegates was The Great Reset: the New World of Work presentation by world-renowned guest speaker Christine Armstrong, writer and consultant specialising in the future of work, workplaces, leadership and company communication. The “Best Networker” on the day was Mohammad Noor from Al-Hamli & Partners Co. in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.   

What was your favourite aspect of the event? 

"Seeing Firms from different backgrounds and regions", says Paul Rudoy from H2R CPAs, USA. "Meeting up with colleagues via the chat/networking sessions", says, David Peirson from F. W. Smith, Riches & Co., UK and "Guest speakers and people talking about their experiences over working in these covid times", says Krystle Penhall from MGI Auckland, New Zealand. 

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Download Recordings of Presentations

Recordings of all the day's presentations are available to watch on demand using the below links.
For the password, please contact [email protected] or visit the Meetings Highlights page in the member area.

World-class Speakers


Bronwyn Williams
- Leading Futurist, Economist and Business Trends Analyst

The Barbarians at the Gate


Christine Armstrong - Writer and consultant specialising in the future of work, workplaces, leadership and company communication

The Great Reset: The New World of Work
With Panel Discussion with Greg Winnett, Imran Assan, Keiko Komiyama, Pallavi Gupta

The Great Reset: The New World of Work 
With Panel discussion with Kate Bell, Baraka Cassian, Laszlo Killik, Anna Ebner, Eduardo Zamudio

The Great Reset: The New World of Work
With Panel discussion with Karin Monchak, Carrie Whisler, (with Spanish subtitles)


Dr Heidi Gardner
- Best-selling author on Success Through Smart Collaboration

Smart Collaboration



Marga Hoek
- visionary on sustainable business and capital

Sustainability: Business for Good is Good Business (with Spanish subtitles)

Thank you!

A big thank you to all our members who attended and particularly to those who took part in the Breakout Groups and Roundtable Discussions or sharing in the Great Member Experiences sessions. These include:

Piyush Thakkar, Dr Michael Grüne, Arron Skillen, Lily Carafa, Malcome McGready, Zoran Zeljkovic, Felix Kimoli, Melissa McCrystal, Faiyaaz Rajkotwala. Rafael Castellanos Perez, Sudhir Panikassery, Anuj Sharedalal, Joe Slezak, Gret Winnett, Imran Assan, Keiko Komiyama, Pallavi Gupta, Stuart Hendler, Susan van der Valk, Kate Bell, Baraka Cassian, Anna Ebner, Ed Fahey, Laszlo Killik, Karin Monchak, Carrie Whisler, Eduardo Zamudio, Amit Chopra, Abraham Petersen, Dan Geltrude, Omar Antonio Pérez Enríquez.

Your input was greatly appreciated!

screenshot-2021-10-29-at-102555.png Finally, thank you to all who were involved in the organising of the event. A great (if very long) day was had by all! We hope that next years event will be in person!


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MGI Worldwide with CPAAI, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 10,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 460 locations in over 100 countries around the world.