An outstanding 90% of MGI firms report collaborations!
Fantastic news! MGI Worldwide firms around the world are actively working together with an incredible 90% reporting through the @collaborations email in 2023. That’s a massive 27% increase from the previous year.
With some collaborations leading to tangible business results through referrals and recomendations, others are based around knowledge sharing or simply firms picking up the phone for information, advice or a friendly second opinion. These collaborations highlight our network's worldwide scope, emphasising how members can directly connect with each other for client support, actively embracing the MGI Worldwide vision - personal: global: collaborative.
Leaderboard update
There’s no change to the Top Leaderboard since the 2023 third quarter results but there have been movements between firms lower down the rankings. The top three leading firms represent 31% of the reported collaborations.
Take a look at this quick video summary showing the statistics and all important Top 10 Leaderboard:
2023 Results
Keep in touch
Please keep the emails coming. We understand there's plenty happening that we might not be aware of. If you initially forgot to include [email protected], don't worry—simply forward your emails when you remember.
All data remains confidential. The financial details of these collaborations aren't our concern, and language barriers won't hinder us -regardless of the language, we can translate the necessary information.
We are looking forward to seeing where 2024 takes you!
MGI Worldwide, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with over 8,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in almost 100 countries around the world.