19 Mar 2024

2024 Talent Meeting: a celebration of talent, innovation, and the incredible journey we are all on

Hosted by MGI Europe and MGI UK & Ireland, this year’s Talent Meeting took place in Frankfurt on 7-8 March. The event provided an excellent opportunity for younger people with little experience in MGI, to build their network, learn and engage in professional discussions, and, of course, have fun!

The theme this year was FIND YOUR PATH. The goal was to give an expert view of wellbeing and discuss how to improve communication, build relationships, and look after your body and mind. There was also opportunity to join professional team discussions moderated by experts and learn about MGI.

Watch the video highlights

Rachel Pugh, UK & Ireland Regional Coordinator comments:

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“We were really thrilled to have two great keynote speakers this year providing our young talent with some great skills for the future on Wellness and Communication. We had 81 delegates from 25 firms representing 17 countries in Europe and the UK and Ireland so it was a fantastic turn out.

"We were also really lucky to have some influential leaders from firms within MGI sharing knowledge in their specialist fields of Tax, Accounting, Digitalisation, Audit and Marketing aswell as our Shadow IC in our afternoon breakout sessions all contributing to this year’s theme of Finding your path.”

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Top keynote speakers

One of the highlights of the meeting was the two keynote speakers.


Marie Paterson, a wellbeing trainer and coach who is passionate about supporting people to develop themselves and to live their calmest, happiest, healthiest life, gave an interactive talk on Positive Paths to Wellbeing.

Shil Shanghavi is a public speaking specialist, storyteller and a globally renowned speaker coach. His presentation and hands-on workshop gave insights into how to control your emotions and speak confidently so you can build relationships, advance your career, feel empowered, and ensure your audience remembers exactly who you are.

“One of [Shil’s] main topics was ‘how to be interesting’ in our professions when it comes to communicating in a workplace/networking setting. I personally found this challenging as I always feel a little bit boring when someone asks me what I do for a living and I say, ‘I’m in auditing’. He came up with some really creative techniques – which we then had to practice with our partners. Some were brave enough to do this facing a full room of delegates.
Kelly-Anne Naude, MGI Midgley Snelling

Professional Group discussions

Thank you to all our MGI experts who moderated our Professional Group discussions on the following topics: Accounting, Audit, Digitalisation, European Shadow youth Board, HR, Marketing & Tax.


Positive feedback

“For us at Pape & Co., witnessing our young talents on their developmental journey is a truly rewarding experience! This meeting highlights the great importance of international collaboration and personal development.​​​​​​​”

Pape & Co.


"An amazing conference in Frankfurt for the MGI Worldwide Talent Meeting 2024! Very grateful to have been asked to speak about my role as the UK & Ireland representative on the Shadow International Committee, whilst also listening to some inspirational talks from Shil Shanghavi AFAIM and Marie Paterson!"

Sophie Woodburn

F. W. Smith, Riches & Co., UK


Check out all the photographs and download HERE.

Use the photos on your social media channels and newsletters to promote your attendance at the event.


Thank you

And finally, a big thank you, of course, to Rachel Pugh – Regional Coordinator for UK & Ireland, and Zoltan Paksy – Regional Director for Europe, who organised this very successful event.

We look forward to seeing you all again next year!

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MGI Worldwide, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 9,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in over 100 countries around the world.


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