MGI Worldwide’s 2022 European Conference for accounting network members takes place in beautiful Vienna, Austria

Steirer Mika & Company and the leaders of the European Region welcomed fellow MGI Worldwide CPAAI members at the European Conference 2022 in Vienna, Austria, between 30 June and 2 July.

The event was held at the iconic Steigenberger Hotel Herrenhof, located in the heart of Vienna's old city, and attracted 74 delegates, representing 57 firms, from 28 countries.

In addition to the conference agenda which focused on HR, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, and other MGI Worldwide CPAAI topics, the event offered plenty of opportunities for informal networking. This was the first European Conference to be held post-pandemic and post-merger, so delegates were excited to be able to catch up with old friends and get the chance to meet new colleagues. 


Watch the video

Speakers from the United Kingdom and Hungary shared new perspectives and knowledge:

  • Susanne Madsen gave a brilliant keynote on how can leadership help us motivate and retain employees.
  • Asim Arshad from Mackrell International gave a legal perspective on Crypto and Blockchain.
  • Dr Imre Kocsis shared his knowledge of blockchain technology and its most recent application worldwide.


A fantastic evening of music and dance at the Kursalon Vienna

An exclusive event in Vienna could not end without music, waltz and dance. Thanks to our hosts, Wolfgang Steirer and Walter Mika, delegates enjoyed one of the most memorable concerts in the life of MGI Europe, in the magnificent Kursalon in Vienna. Kudos to Wolfgang for his virtuoso and his orchestras.


Great feedback from our members!



“The conference in Vienna was sensational, one of the most memorable conferences that László, [my partner at Paragraph], and I have been to up to now.”

Diana Balaskó
Paragraf Tax Advisory and Accountancy Office, Slovakia


"It was great to see our own Partner Caisa Westin, give a presentation at the meeting, speaking about the ESG work we have done at Revideco, as an inspiration for other firms to follow." 

Erik Emilsson
Revideco AB, Sweden



"As Vizyon, we participated in the European Meeting organized by MGI Worldwide CPAAI in Vienna for the first time. It has been an unforgettable experience for our company and we believe even more now that: Great Things Happen When We Collobaborate!"

Ismail Vefa AK
Vizyon, Turkey



"The team of MGI Worldwide and Wolfgang Steirer + Walter Mika hosted a brilliant meeting in Vienna, Austria, focusing on collaboration, ESG, and HR. Splendid grand finale with Wiener Walz and live music!"

Caisa Westin
Revideco AB, Sweeden

 2022 European Conference flickr photo album

To see all the event photographs visit the MGI Worldwide flickr account HERE.

Thank you

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the 2022 European Conference and who contributed to its huge success! Thank you also Steirer Mika & Company for being such excellent hosts and to European Regional Director, Zoltan Paksy, for organising another great event!

For more information contact Zoltan Paksy at [email protected] .

MGI Worldwide with CPAAI, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 9,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in over 100 countries around the world.