01 Oct 2021

Inspiring stories for members by members: Lessons We’ve Learned by Growing Our Firm and Evolving Our Business Model by MGI North America’s BGM

A big thank you to long-time North America member Boeckermann Grafstrom & Mayer (BGM) for sharing their firms’ learnings as part of an Inspiring Talk Presentation on “Lessons We’ve Learned by Growing Our Firm and Evolving Our Business Model”, a remarkable story of growth providing real insights into how BGM grew from a traditional accounting firm founded in 1982, into a group of companies known as the BGM Group.

Joe Tarasco, MGI North America Regional Director, says:


Joe Tarasco

"BGM has always looked at the firm as a business, looked at the marketplace, and taken the risk of going into new ventures whilst aligning and collaborating with its traditional services. This is truly a success story that all members of MGI Worldwide CPAAI should be able to take something from and hopefully adapt into their practices.”

Joe continues:

Brad Mayer and wife Barbara have been devoted members with almost 40 years at the helm and we wish Brad and family all the very best following his retirement.
“I don’t think Brad and Barbara ever missed a North America conference as long as I have been associated with MGI Worldwide and the AGMs.”

About this talk

In this talk, Dane Boeckermann, Partner at Boeckermann Grafstrom & Mayer (BGM), Jeff Holds, Partner at Element Technologies, and Jon Meyer, Partner at BGM Wealth Partners, reveal the lessons BGM Team has learned by growing their firm and evolving their business model, openly sharing both the highs and the lows. Main topics covered include:

  • Introduction and History of BGM CPAs/BGM Group
  • Strategic M&As to achieve growth
  • How they’ve evaluated which firms are a good fit
  • Challenges encountered through M&A and how they’ve handled them
  • The addition of new services, niches, and team members
  • Where are the firm is headed and how do the changes they make create more opportunity for their employees and clients.

Watch the recording

Members of MGI Worldwide CPAAI can watch the recording of this Inspirational Talk in the Webinars section of the member area. Alternatively contact [email protected] for the Password to access the recording using the link in the image below.


inspiring-stories-bgm-watch-webinar.jpg About BGM Group

BGM aims to comprehensively serve clients in a wide variety of areas and to meet their ever-changing needs. The affiliated companies of the BGM Group offer creative business, financial, technology, and legal solutions. Guided by a unified set of values, a shared commitment to excellence, and an entrepreneurial approach, the BGM Group of companies deliver a suite of services to complement their clients’ goals and address their needs—all in one place.  Learn more at bgm-cpa.com/our-companies.

For more information on Boeckermann Grafstrom & Mayer (BGM), please go to their MGI Worldwide member profile page or contact Dane Boeckermann at [email protected].

MGI Worldwide with CPAAI, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 10,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 460 locations in over 100 countries around the world.