Bernardes, Silva e Ciochetta Sociedade de Advogados

The diversity of our team is its great strength. We have a multidisciplinary team with specialists in various areas of law, as well as professionals with diverse technical backgrounds. In addition to the founding partners, the team includes other partners, associate lawyers, trainees and paralegals, all of whom are prepared to provide excellent service focused on results.

Curitiba (Main Office)

Contact information

Bernardes, Silva e Ciochetta Sociedade de Advogados
Rua Marechal Deodoro
945, 4º andar

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Raphael Bernardes da Silveira
Key contact
Technical specialisations
Legal: Banking and finance law, Legal: Corporate law, Mergers & Acquisition, Tax: International, Tax: VAT & Sales
Member of
M&A Specialist Group, Family Office Specialist Group, VAT Specialist Group, Region: Latin America, Cryptocurrency Group