Our history
Since 1947, MGI Worldwide has been bringing people and businesses together across every continent, in just about every key economic centre in the world. Our long-standing membership is built on loyalty and trust with many of these professional relationships going back several decades.
One member firm has supported MGI Worldwide clients for over 50 years, others over 40 years and many more than 25 years. Our longest serving member firm is the founding firm, MGI Midgley Snelling LLP in the UK.
Then and now
2021 saw us grow and advance globally with the announcement of our merger with CPAAI. 2022 marked our 75 year anniversary since our first international partnership was born, and 2023 sees the launch of the new MGI Association.
Take a look at our timeline over the years
Here’s a look back over the last decades of our history, go HERE to see Our Story.

Our commitment to quality

In January 2019, MGI Worldwide was admitted as a full member of the Forum of Firms, an association of some 30 international accounting networks, including the Big 4 firms. Forum members commit to international quality standards and we are proud to be recognised by this prestigious body.
For our members in developing regions, membership of the Forum demonstrates our commitment to quality audit work in competing with other firms for international work with global institutions and NGOs.
Meanwhile, for our members in more developed regions, MGI Worldwide's Forum membership allows us to engage constructively on global regulatory developments in the context of audit quality.
The Forum of Firms is an independent association of international networks of firms that perform transnational audits. The objective of the Forum is to promote consistent and high-quality standards of financial reporting and auditing practices worldwide.
Read more about our commitment to quality HERE
How we were formed
Initially set up as Midsnell, then Midsnell Group International, later simplified to MGI and now MGI Worldwide network, the international association has expanded all over the world since first starting in the UK, Africa and the US over 75 years ago.
MGI Worldwide has always had members in its four main areas of activity: audit, tax, accounting and consulting. Member independence remains an important part of our culture today, as it was when Midsnell comprised only a handful of firms. Since then, MGI Worldwide has grown into one of the world’s top-ranked global networks and international associations of independent firms, with a history built on close friendships and collaborations.
In 2015, MGI Worldwide became a formal network of independent audit, accounting, tax and consulting firms, with a full quality review system of all our network members. In 2020, MGI Worldwide merged with CPAAI to create a major international network and 2023 sees the launch of the new MGI Association.

Are you ready to take your firm to the next level?
We always look firmly to the future and seeking new ideas to make sure being a member adds value and helps our members to do more and better business.