Our success is a reflection of the quality of our member firms and geographic reach, which brings together some 220 audit, tax, accounting & consulting firms in almost 100 countries around the world.
With a rich history, strong regional and international presence, and growing community of independently-owned member firms throughout the world, MGI Worldwide has become a leading light among other global accounting networks and associations.
2021 saw us grow and advance globally with the announcement of our merger. 2022 marked our 75 year anniversary since our first international partnership was born, and 2023 saw the launch of our new MGI Association.
Today MGI Worldwide is a major international accounting network and association of independent audit, accounting, tax, legal and consulting firms, with a secure position firmly in the top 20 global rankings of networks and associations.
From setting up subsidiaries abroad to managing international tax, from family office services to complex cross-border audits, member firms do what is needed to help clients – wherever they choose to do business in the world.
Member firms are well respected in their local markets, share similar values and work with the same types of clients, from small and medium-sized businesses, family business, entrepreneurial and fast growth enterprises to subsidiaries of major multinationals and not-for-profits.
With a strong regional and international presence in almost 100 countries, MGI Worldwide is organised into eight geographic regions - Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East & North Africa, North America and UK & Ireland - each with their own management and regional activities to foster growth and collaboration. For more information about any of our regions around the world, please visit the region’s dedicated microsites by clicking the links above.
Our international network of independent accounting and legal firms is operated through a non-profit company, limited by guarantee. Some of our firms operate as members of MGI Worldwide network and some as members of the MGI Association. Member firms of the MGI Worldwide network of auditors, accountants, lawyers and consultants are subject to regular quality review to make sure that they operate to the highest international quality standards.
Many of our member firms use the MGI brand as part of their names but some do not. MGI branded or not, our aim is to ensure that MGI means knowing you will get the same quality of service and technical support, wherever you do business - at home and abroad.
We always look firmly to the future and seeking new ideas to make sure being a member adds value and is helping our members to do more and better business. Read more about becoming a member.